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Introducing Your Life, Your Story Journal!

"I didn't start out trying to re-create Bullet Journaling...

...I just wanted to find a better way to journal."


No One Has Designed A Set Like This, Until Now...

Each Journal Comes with 120 Beautiful Sheets

Be inspired to open your journal each day, not you browser!

Inspired by creativity in life write, draw, find gratitude and more!

Inspired by creativity in life write, draw, find gratitude and more!

Hi, my name is Amelia and I'm the creator of the Your Life, Your Story Journal.

Your Life, Your Story journals are journals that use 100% cotton sheets they come wrapped in a hand-crafted leather cover that's meant to be kept and refilled with our environmentally friendly sheets.

Growing up and living in foster care provided me a lot of hardships. That's when I discovered journaling. I would probably go through a journal a month, it was my only joyful safe haven and get away from the world. Especially when fostered with some not-so-kind families.

After seeing this small forest in our block tore apart, as all the small creatures running to find their home destroyed, I looked at my huge stack of journals...

Right then and there it just clicked...

" much materials and resources do my journals use?"

As it turns out...

Around 15 billion trees are cut down each year to create paper, that's anywhere from 80,000 to 160,000 a day!

After looking for "green" and eco alternatives, I found that journal papers use only 25% recycled paper while the covers use 75% at best! Adding to the massive need for harsh chemicals and energy (it takes 17 watts to make one sheet of paper) to create this paper, making this industry the 4th largest emitter in greenhouse gases and overall pollution.

I wanted nothing to do with that!

That's when I become obsessed with paper. Strangely I found myself thinking a lot like Micheal Scott from the office! I didn't know much about paper, but I called paper mills, paper companies, even office supplies stores. Anybody that would bother to entertain me. (Seriously! where's Micheal Scott when you need him!)

I spent my weekends and basically every night figuring out paper. I started from scratch, I started reading about the origins of paper, how it came about and how our ancestors created mass amounts. I went completely against the grain. After failing a dozen times to find a green-sustainable paper, I found the artesian craft of creating cotton paper.

This paper became better than I could have possibly imagined! No harsh chemicals or additional sources are used up. Our sheets are created from three simple things, water, sun and a waste textile products or linters.
Linters are short fibers that are stripped from the cottonseed before the seed is squeezed to make cottonseed oil.

That's what these sheets are!

These fabric fibers provide a rich appearance and a consistent line formation that allows colors to be richer, deeper and longer-lasting than normal tree-based paper.

I am now able to enter my journaling safe haven joyfully again, knowing that I'm not contributing to this system while my layouts look better than ever!

Honestly, I didn't really think there would be any interest, I mainly did it for me and a couple of my friends. I think I had done a handful of sales and that's when I started getting massive attention from the journal.

People were raving over the paper, they had felt nothing like it before and some even love the smell!

Overnight we received so many requests for the journals that we got back-ordered! They loved the journal and wanted to join the mission of going tree-free!

Not to mention we were dealing with handmade & hand-pressed journals!

We are still a small company, but as we rapidly grow, we will always keep our mission the same. Journaling for joy and mental health while protecting this amazing planet, this refillable cotton journal is just the beginning!

What's more journal cover even feels great to the touch and is long-lasting!

Since replacing all my journals with cotton paper my sheets have been more resilient to tearing and ripping, what's more, you can feel the subtle texture of this handmade paper that gives character to your story. 

Everything At Your Fingertips

A Spark Of Creativity

A Splash Of Serenity, 
The Magical Elixir That Makes Creativity Shine!

Mix them together just enough for any project: 

A small dash of colorful inspiration, a pinch (or handful) of calmness! 

Never heard of a journal described like this?

Well now you have! Color your way into tranquility with inspirational coloring pages and mandalas! 

Each sheet is designed with 140 GSM heavyweight paper.

Creativity is the key word here, it's a creative outlet that doesn't ghost or bleed when inspiration strikes.

Coloring is fun but this was designed to still become your everyday journal!

Life can be a mess! It's hard to track everything and harder to stay organized.

Want to use it as your meal planning binder? It's in here!

Maybe you are trying to achieve some goals in life and need structure? It's in here!

Who knows what your life may bring, but one thing is certain: Your Life, Your Story will help whatever comes with ease! 

The monthly templates have been tested by real people who love them so much they come back every month for more!

 Create Your Own 
Personal Growth Journey!

It takes so much time and effort finding the right things that will inspire or help us grow as a person. 

So we made it simple! 

Find balance in your life. With new layouts, prompts, and tips. We even have some amazing mood tracker templates that let you reflect on how each day made you feel! 

Improve Your Life
With Journaling Tools!

Our monthly content will provide everything from self-care, meditation to mindfulness exercises, gratitude journals, positive affirmations and more! 

All by our team of experts who are passionate about helping people find balance in their lives while being mindful of the world around them! 

Create Positive Changes 
 Change Your Life With This Journal

As you continue with the Your Life, Your Story journal you will start to see it's more than just journaling, it's happiness for creative souls.

Uncover goals and dreams you never thought you had with our journal!

Have you tried tracking your goals in a normal calendar? Difficult.

If you don't keep track of your goals, then how do you know if they are being met? 

If you're looking for a way to track your goals without the stress and pressure of tracking, our journal is perfect. 

It's not only for making goals - it can also be used as a tool in accomplishing those goals which will lead you into positive changes and eventually more creativity with happiness!

This journal has everything you could ever want and with an infinite amount of layouts delivered monthly, amazing is not even a word that can describe it! 

This beautiful pre-printed planner keeps you on task with its fun designs and reminders. 

The calendar grid allows you to write down all your appointments and plan out the month ahead. 

We even have weekly date reminders for any upcoming plans or deadlines in your life!

A Spark Of Ingenuity

A Splash Of Serenity, 
The Magical Elixir That Makes Creativity Last!

Create Positive Changes 
 Change Your Life With This Journal

As you continue with the Your Life, Your Story journal you will start to see it's more than just journaling, it's happiness for creative souls.

Uncover goals and dreams you never thought you had with our journal!

Bonus #1 S&D Leather Journal Cover

The new Your Life, Your Story Leather cover has arrived, enveloping hills of paper with a peachy cocoa feel...
(Value $39.95)

Our newest leather journal, bursting with life! The perfect gift for anyone who appreciates high-quality handmade goods.

The supple B5 size cover is a thick and decadent pink perfection with lettering that will have you swooning in delight, almost as much as the inside pages! 

Thick hues are enveloped by an explosion of rebel pink that finishes it all off.

Tell me about the lanyard: The suede only adds to the luxury of this journal. You'll be surprised at how much you love it!


Bonus #2 Hidden Treasures Necklace

Slide the necklace, see a heart light up! Shine a light in your life!
(Value $44.99)

The Hidden Treasures Necklace is the perfect gift!

Engraved with "I love you" in over 100 languages, this 18K Rose Gold plated necklace will project a beautiful message on to any surface! The Hidden Treasures Necklace is a versatile and beautiful necklace. 

The 18K Rose Gold plated chain drapes down in an open heart shape adorned with a crystal stone. With just light flashed through you can see your favorite words of encouragement projected on the wall!


Bonus #3 Unlock Complete VIP Access

What if I told you, you get digital and physical VIP Access to hundreds of amazing prompts shipped to you FREE for the first two months? 
(Value $54.99)

You'll never have an empty journal again!

The perfect gateway for anyone looking to get their creative juices flowing. 

Loved a specific template that you can't get enough of? Get access to layouts from previous months!

Find hundreds of templates in the VIP members area! No printer? Don't worry we will send you 60 templates printed on 140 GSM paper monthly!

For a Limited Time get two months for FREE! (Renews at $14.99 a month after.)

That means that for the next two months you will get monthly templates sent your way for FREE!

Our test subscribers agreed! It was easy and fun coming up with new ideas on how they can improve their lives using our tools!


Bonus #4 9 Lives - Lifetime Warranty

Stories Are Meant To Last A Lifetime, To Be Reminisced Upon & Relived Over & Over Again...
(Value $44.95)

We want your story to last forever.

As part of this one time offer! If your journal cover breaks or falls apart. Let us know and we will send you a replacement FREE OF CHARGE for the life of your membership!

You heard that right! If the Your Life, Your Story cover becomes unusable let us know and we will ship you out a new FOR FREE!

Know of any other company that believes that much in their product?


What Are People Saying?

Only 5 Star Reviews!

We have even had our customers make memes about us!  Take a look!

We treasure each one of our customers with unparalled service! Guaranteed!

The "Lazy Cat" Guarantee

Today you will get our "Lazy Cat Guarantee." If after 45 days you wouldn't push your sleeping cat of this journal to journal you don't pay a penny.

You have two no risk options today!

You can go exit this page and continue your day or you can tell us where to ship your set!

You can then get your journal and test it out & truly put it through the ringer. 

If this journal does not improve your life, let us know and we will take care of it.

That means that if you don't smile when you receive your journal, if you don't find pages that are applicable to you and if you don't see an improvement in your day to life then we don't want your money.

Remember both of these options are ZERO RISK. 

But only one of these options has the potential to introduce you to the best products you will ever come across with the best service you will ever encounter!

I can only give this type of guarantee if I know that what we deliver is truly that incredible. If they weren't, we wouldn't be in business or have the lights on!

So I know I can give this guarantee in confidence because I know that you're going to love it!

Since you can't make a decision yet, let us send you your set and get you started messing around with it!

Sounds fair?

Money Back Guarantee

Oh and by the way...

This set is still covered by our 45 day money back guarantee!

So if for some reason it doesn't live up to your expectations...

E-mail us or call us at the number on your receipt and you will receive a refund immediately.

EVERYTHING You Get With The Your Life, Your Story Journal BUJO Edition

  • 120 Pages Each is 140 GSM ($24.95 Value)
  • ​Your Life, Your Story Luxury Cover Bonus #1 ($29.95 Value) 
  • ​18K Rose Gold Plated Hidden Treasure Necklace Bonus #2 ($44.99 Value)
  • ​VIP Members Access Bonus #3 ($24.99 Value)
  • ​9 Lives - Lifetime Warranty Bonus #4 ($44.95 Value)
Total Value: $169.83
Get It Today For
No Subscription or Hidden Fees!

The Scribble Dabble items are meant to enhance your journaling, even if you are just starting out. I and others in my company have looked tirelessly for the best accessories needed to journal creatively and have fun. Scribble & Dabble makes no claims or representations that our items will give you everything you personally may need. Testimonials are real, unpaid, unedited reactions and experiences from Scribble & Dabble customers. 

Copyright 2020 - Scribble & Dabble - All Rights Reserved